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What is a frequent urinary tract infection in women?

UTI recurrent Qasem shehabالتهاب المثانة المتكرر

Urinary tract infections are one of the most common types of infections, and women are more likely to be infected than men. Recent statistics in the group of countries have indicated that one in five women will get a urinary tract infection at least once in her life. This is due to the shortness of the urethra compared to men, which makes the distance traveled by bacteria to reach the bladder relatively small.

The cause of a urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection caused by the E. coli bacteria that affects most of the time different parts of the urinary system, such as the urethra, the bladder or the kidneys, causing a group of tired and haunting symptoms for the patient, which impedes him from practicing his daily activities and obliges him to review A specialist doctor, especially in the event of recurrence, and among the most common of these symptoms:

  • Feeling of burning and pain during urination.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen or in the pelvic area.

  • Feeling a sudden and frequent urge to urinate, due to a spasm of the bladder muscle.

  • A feeling of not completely emptying the bladder during urination.

  • Urinary incontinence.

  • The presence of a foul odor in urine.

  • Dark-colored urine, or blood in it.

  • Fever and chills.

  • Irritation of the vagina in women, and difficulty during sexual intercourse.

Why are urinary tract infections frequent in women and what are the signs of recurrent infections?

As mentioned previously, the structure of the urinary system and the shortness of the female urethra allow bacteria to move from the stool towards the bladder or vagina further. Each of the following also plays a big role in this by:

  • Sexual contact ; The transmission of bacteria in a large number towards the bladder during sexual intercourse, is one of the reasons for recurrence of urinary tract infection in women, so specialists advise to urinate after practicing intimacy in order to expel the infectious bacteria.

  • The use of spermicide (spermicide) that eliminates the beneficial bacteria in the vagina (Lactobacilli), thus facilitating the transmission and reproduction of the infectious bacteria (E. coli).

  • The likelihood of recurrence increases with repeated childbearing, advancing in age and entering the menopause stage , the beneficial bacteria in the vagina begin to decrease, and the ability of the bladder muscle to contract completely decreases, which increases the time urine is stored in it.

  • The presence of some chronic diseases may increase the possibility of developing a urinary tract infection, such as diabetes and nerve problems, or a decrease in the body's immunity, or in the event of a urinary catheter installed and others.

Diagnostic methods of urinary tract infection:

First of all, the specialist takes the patient’s medical history and inquires about the recurrence of infection and the symptoms accompanying it, other diseases that the patient suffers from or the medicines she uses, in addition to the family history such as the injury of the mother or sister and others.

The doctor must resort to conducting a physical examination, especially for the pelvic region, to ensure the integrity of the urinary and reproductive system organs and the absence of prolapse in one of them, or the presence of inflammation of the tissues and others.

Among the most important laboratory tests that are performed:

  • Urinary sample

  • Where the urine sample is examined microscopically, to ensure the presence of bacteria that cause urinary tract infection in a large density, which varies from one type of infection to another, for example, the number of bacteria in the case of acute cystitis is more than 1000 bacterial colonies / ml, and the acute nephritis infection is more than 10,000 colonies Bacterial / ml.

  • Urine culture

  • A urine sample is cultured for two or more days to increase the multiplication of bacteria in it, to find out its type and thus determine the appropriate type of antibiotic to eliminate it.

In after cases of recurrent urinary tract infection, the specialist doctor may need to perform an endoscopic examination to check the urethra and bladder area, and in advanced cases, he may resort to conducting a biopsy of the kidney.

Treatment and prevention of recurrent UTI:

The use of antibiotics (such as nitrofurentine, or trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole) is the best solution for treatment, and its use is usually for a short period not exceeding a week, and in some cases the doctor may advise using it prophylactically for a longer period of time with lower doses, during which the doctor performs a laboratory examination of urine immediately. Cyclic.

● estrogen

There is also a group of medicinal treatments and preparations that contribute to the treatment and prevention of UTI, M.

It is often in the form of topical preparations, and it is recommended for women in the menopause stage, which helps the growth of beneficial bacteria in the vaginal area and increases the acidity of the area, which helps eliminate harmful bacteria.

● Cranberry: Contains proanthocyanidins, in addition to a group of vitamins that help eliminate E. Coli to prevent adhesion to the lining of the tract and its spread.

And other effective preventive measures, such as drinking more water in sufficient quantity daily, urging to urinate after practicing intimacy, wiping the anal area from front to back and using non-spermicidal contraceptives all help reduce your chances of infection and infection.

Dr. Qassem Shehab , consultant of advanced laparoscopic surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Subspecialty specialization in the treatment of urinary incontinence and gynecological edema

Abdali Hospital , Boulevard, 24th floor

Oman Jourdan

For reservations and inquiries



1- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and Cystitis (Bladder Infection) in Females. Retrieved on September, 3th, 2020. From,

2- Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Women: Diagnosis and Management. Retrieved on September, 3th, 2020. From,

3- When urinary tract infections keep coming back. Retrieved on September, 3th, 2020. From,

4- Chronic Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Retrieved on September, 5th, 2020. From,

5- Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Management in Women. Retrieved on September, 5th, 2020. From,

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